A time-honored tradition where our current families renew their commitment to Catholic education and Christ the King Catholic School by registering their child(ren) and making a tuition deposit for the 2016-2017 school year. As the number of inquiries from prospective families indicate, CKS is the place to be for a great education.
We have new students taking admissions assessments in EVERY grade, including over 65 in EC4 and almost 30 in Kindergarten. Our greatest public relations asset is you -- our current families who are out in the community spreading the good word. When I ask parents on tours why they are interested in our school, I hear a variety of responses like, "our friends told us we had to be here" or "we know we want our son to go to Jesuit and they told us to start here." The most common thing I hear, however, is that families look at CKS because they have heard about our strong academics, our infusion of faith, and our sense of community. Thank you for being such great ambassadors of our school!
Registration for the 2016-2017 school year is now open, and it is critical that you complete your re-registration for your child(ren) by Friday, March 11, 2016. We are blessed to have more applications than space available in all of our grades. Our current families have enrollment priority but in order to be courteous to the families who have applied and are anxiously awaiting enrollment decisions, we will begin offering places not filled to new students on March 14, 2016.
I thank God for the blessing of this ministry and the ability to work with all of you to help inspire our children to grow in the love of Christ, the joy of knowledge and the spirit of service. I look forward to our continued partnership.