Monday, April 27, 2015

Closed for Carnival Recovery!

We were "Staying Alive" all weekend

Please check my Instagram @cks_principal or the Christ the King School Facebook page for photos of this community building event.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Something Awesome This Way Comes

Image result for cks parish carnival

I still remember my carnival days when I was a CKS student—riding the Scrambler, Rocco Planes, and Gravitron. The names have changed but many of the rides are the same—I am not sure if that is nostalgic or scary.

Danielle Welsh, our Advancement Director, refers to carnival as a friendraiser rather than a fundraiser. I completely agree. Some of my greatest memories of Christ the King are of my time at the carnival—playing the games; eating the food; riding the rides; but mostly, hanging with my friends. Carnival though, also provided me with some “less than great” memories—thinking my shirt was ruined when an older kid squirted me with ink and only realizing later after I found Sr. Joanne that it had disappeared; nervously waiting in line to ride something I didn’t want to but was too afraid to tell my friends I was chicken because I didn’t want to get made fun of by them; and wondering who was going to be left out when 5 of us were in line for a ride that only fit 4 people.

This morning, I asked our students to think about their best carnival experience and their worst. I reminded them that the decisions they make this weekend will directly impact whether they, and others, will have the best carnival experience. I challenged them to have fun while staying true to what Jesus taught us: “love God above all things, and love others as yourself.” If we follow these guidelines, we’ll make great memories at this year’s friendraiser. 

Monday, April 13, 2015

Top Workplaces

This past Sunday the Tampa Bay Times recognized Christ the King Catholic School as a top workplace in the Bay area. This designation was based on responses from a staff survey completed in November. I am proud of this accomplishment, as I feel it is a confirmation of the environment we are trying to create at CKS--an environment that helps students grow to love Christ, seek knowledge, and complete Service. 

The creation of such an environment starts with a staff committed to doing God's work for children. At Christ the King, I am blessed with such a staff. Their enthusiasm for the subjects they teach and the God we all serve transfers to our students and their parents, creating a school family. The relationships between these different groups creates our workplace. Therefore, this award recognizes the work of our entire school community. Thank you all for hard work and continued support of CKS.