Monday, May 22, 2017

Higgins Cup

For those who attended St. Lawrence Catholic School or remember the late Monsignor Higgins, before each sports season--basketball in particular--he would tell his teams "I don't care how you finish the season, just beat Christ the King." 

Friendly rivalries were reignited this past Saturday in the 2nd Annual Higgins Cup 40+ Parish Basketball Tournament. The Christ the King team, made up of CKS dads and CTK parishioners, took 1st place in the tournament, besting Nativity, St. Tim's and St. Lawrence (twice) along the way. 

As we close out the school year, I reflected with the students this morning how sports can teach us lessons, especially about teamwork. Truly great athletes make their teammates better. That is what God asks us to do with each other.

This time of year, we celebrate the athletic and academic accomplishments, which is great, but when we get to heaven, God won't ask us how many championships we've won; instead, He will want to know how many people we helped get to heaven.

As we close out this school year, I ask that our children continue to pray daily, asking for the intercession of Mary, Help of Christians, to guide them through the summer and into next school year.

NEXT WEEK: Look for my final blog of the year with an end of the year wrap-up and staffing changes for 2017-2018!

Monday, May 8, 2017

Iowa Myths Busted

If you have a child or children in 2nd through 8th grade, you have hopefully received an Iowa score report in the mail. I typically receive many questions following the release of the Iowa scores and find there are some common misconceptions about standardized score reports. Here are my top three misconceptions and clarifications:

"My child scored a 75, that's like a C, right?"

The Iowa's are a norm-referenced test, which means a child's score is determined by the correct answers given compared to the correct answers given by the students in the 2011 norming group. This is called a percentile rank and a score of 50 is considered average. Anything above a 50 is considered above average, so a score of 75 really means your child scored in the 75th percentile (gave more correct answers than 75 percent of the students in the norming group).  

"My child should skip a grade and this proves it!"

Perhaps the most confusing measure is the GE or Grade Equivalency score. This is usually a decimal number, with the first number representing the grade and second number representing the month of the school. Therefore a GE of 4.2 would mean 4th grade, 2nd month of school (September since August is 0). 

CAUTION: A grade equivalency of 4.2 for a 2nd grade student in math computation DOES NOT mean they are ready to perform 4th grade math. It means that compared to the norming group, your child performed as well on the 2nd grade math computation section as a 4th grade student in the 2nd month of the school would perform on the 2nd grade math computation section. Typically, the higher the percentile rank, the higher the grade equivalency. 

Although not a good measure for convincing someone your child should skip a grade, comparing a child's grade equivalency each year is helpful to measure individual growth. An increase of one whole number from year to year is considered adequate yearly progress. 

"No one really looks at these, so who cares?"

While these standardized test score results are not as high stakes as those of our public school counterparts, they still have meaning. On a school level, we look at results by skill area to help with curriculum planning. We also use Iowa scores as one indicator for placement in math at the middle school level. 

Also, for students applying to International Baccalaureate programs, it is the only measure, other than grades, used to determine acceptance into these high schools--in fact they ask us to send our applicants' scores from back to 6th grade. 

For students going to public high school, Iowa scores are also used for placement into honors level courses and required reading electives. While these uses are geared towards middle school, the experience, effort and habits formed in taking these tests begin in 2nd grade. 

This does not mean that we should pressure our students to the point of a nervous breakdown about their performance.  Instead, we should continue to encourage them to give their best effort and use this as opportunity to shine.

Still have questions about the Iowa?  Please come by the cafeteria after school mass this Wednesday, May 10, for a brief overview with Mrs. Metz on interpreting the score reports.

For more detailed information about the Iowa Assessment, please see the featured post on the left where I provided some background information about this standardized test, how we use the scores, and how you can interpret them.

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Carnival is Finished...But CKS is Not!

The beginning of May marks the end of this year's Carnival. It was a huge success, as evidenced by the pictures you can see on our Facebook (click the link under the picture to see the album).
Click Here
Although the effects of Carnival (dirt-filled sinuses, itchy sun burns or goldfish) still remain, just look at the field, and you will clearly see it is finished. However, here at CKS, we have much work remaining--and joyful work at that. Here are just a few things we have to look forward to in the coming weeks:
  • Godspell Junior--You can see our 5th through 8th grade performers four different times this week--Wednesday at 4pm; Thursday at 9am and 7pm; and Friday at 9am. All performances are in the Cafeteria. 
  • Doughnuts--Nothing says "Breakfast with Dad" like handing over sugary treats to our children before school! Our dads will be at Pavilion this Friday, May 5, to spend some time with our students before school. 
  • First Communion--This Saturday, our 2nd graders will receive Holy Communion for the first time. 
  • Fish Prowl--Saturday, May 13, all of our real and pretend anglers will compete in the 3rd annual Dads Club event. 
  • Say Hello to Summer--Friday, May 26, is a half day, the last day of school and our 8th grade graduation. 
Please continue to check our newsletter and look for communications regarding these and other school events. Enjoy these last few weeks, and don't blink because before you know it the school year will be finished!