Monday, February 29, 2016

It's That Time of Year...

The weather is starting to warm up, flowers are beginning to bloom, and March Madness is starting soon. Is it spring? Not yet!  Spring doesn't officially start until March 20 this year, but it is reenrollment time!

A time-honored tradition where our current families renew their commitment to Catholic education and Christ the King Catholic School by registering their child(ren) and making a tuition deposit for the 2016-2017 school year. As the number of inquiries from prospective families indicate, CKS is the place to be for a great education.

We have new students taking admissions assessments in EVERY grade, including over 65 in EC4 and almost 30 in Kindergarten. Our greatest public relations asset is you -- our current families who are out in the community spreading the good word. When I ask parents on tours why they are interested in our school, I hear a variety of responses like, "our friends told us we had to be here" or "we know we want our son to go to Jesuit and they told us to start here." The most common thing I hear, however, is that families look at CKS because they have heard about our strong academics, our infusion of faith, and our sense of community. Thank you for being such great ambassadors of our school!

Registration for the 2016-2017 school year is now open, and it is critical that you complete your re-registration for your child(ren) by FridayMarch 11, 2016.   We are blessed to have more applications than space available in all of our grades.  Our current families have enrollment priority but in order to be courteous to the families who have applied and are anxiously awaiting enrollment decisions, we will begin offering places not filled to new students on March 14, 2016.

I thank God for the blessing of this ministry and the ability to work with all of you to help inspire our children to grow in the love of Christ, the joy of knowledge and the spirit of service. I look forward to our continued partnership.

Monday, February 22, 2016

Make a Sacrifice

Maybe you saw it on the news or have heard it clicking and clacking in the back of the church. It is the Lenten Wheel of Sacrifice! Fr. Len's idea, inspired by some college students he spoke with, has made its way to the halls of CKS--right outside my door. Monday through Wednesday I can hear students excitedly spinning the wheel (sometimes twice, but don't tell Fr. Len!) to see where the Holy Spirit guides their sacrifice. Listening to spin after spin after spin feels like my sacrifice!

It is worth it, though, to see the students get into making a sacrifice. Sacrifices include giving up sweets, no meat on Monday and Wednesday, in addition to Friday, reading a daily bible verse, or saying the rosary. Regardless of where the spinner lands, we need to remind our students why we make sacrifices during Lent... to bring us closer to God. 

So whether your sacrifice is to only drink water or sleep on the floor (like the student pictured below), remember to offer it to God and say a prayer that He opens your heart to His Love. 


4th grade #sacrificeselfie

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Lowrey's Look at 2nd Grade...

On her most recent visit to 2nd grade, Mrs. Lowrey saw peer editing in progress.  She shared,
"Students in Mrs. Weather's 2nd grade language arts classes are having a great time learning the writing process - hands on!  They became peer editors using their Book Review assignment.  Way to work together to develop a great result!"

Stay tuned for another edition of Lowrey's Look coming soon as Mrs. Lowrey shares the exciting learning she sees taking place around CKS!

Monday, February 8, 2016

Tuition, Coming Attractions and Feeding Children Everywhere!

In lieu of my normal blog, I wanted to provide a copy of the presentation from last Thursday's PTC meeting for those of you who may not have been able to make it.  The presentation includes information about:

  • CKS School Advisory Board
  • CKS budget
  • Tuition increase for the 2016-2017 school year
  • Additions to CKS next year
PTC Presentation

Our parents also enjoyed a reception in the EC4 building, giving them a glimpse of the "before" as we move into a renovation of that building over the summer.  We are excited that there will be NO capital campaign for our summer building renovation. 

Thank you in advance for your donations to the Annual Fund this year.  Your generosity will help us equip our new STEM lab, Maker Space and Performing Arts Area for exciting collaboration and discovery for our students! 

I also want to give a shout out to our CKS community: students, faculty, staff and parent volunteers for Feeding Children Everywhere!  You can see more photos through the today's newsletter and on Facebook, but CKS Served with a Smile and provided over 30,000 meals to hungry children in Tampa and Haiti in the process!  Way to go, Lions!

Monday, February 1, 2016

Comic Schools Weeks

Pardon my pun. We are actually in the midst of Catholic Schools Week. The national theme (which I think they heavily borrowed from our CKS mission statement) is Communities of Faith, Knowledge, and Service. I hope a Catholic education enables our students to recognize a problem in our world, have the compassion to take faithful action, and the knowledge to create a solution. These problems can be big or small. Below is a problem one of our third grade students shared with our assistant principal and his solution which is featured below her commentary:

Third grader Ben Withers had a great idea!  He wanted to create a comic book that could entertain his fellow CKS students.  So, he asked his teacher, Ms. Moroney, if he could create one.  She thought it was a neat idea and encouraged him to talk to Mr. Tanis and Mrs. Lowrey.  Ben came to visit the office with a huge smile as he "pitched" his comic book plan: "I know there will be animals," he told me, "specifically a moose!"  I encouraged him to come up with a draft and share it when he was finished.  A few days later, Ben proudly came to visit me with Book 1 of his comic.  You can check out his work outside of the administrative offices!  Way to go, Ben!