Monday, August 31, 2015

Be a Light to Others

Saint John Bosco was a man of action. Our pastor, Fr. Len, in a homily at our staff retreat this summer told us he was actually a man of so much action that there was a question at his canonization of whether or not he spent enough time in prayer. It was decided that John Bosco was an example of how we can offer our lives as prayer.

We ask our students this quarter to be a light to others. There are many ways our students can do this--simple ways. Over the weekend a parent shared with me that her daughter and some friends were eating at a restaurant. As soon as the food came they all joined hands and said a prayer before eating the meal.

While a small act, I know many adults too embarrassed to make a small demonstration like this of their faith. Often, we hide our light rather than letting others see it shine. John Bosco often told his boys that the path to sainthood was not necessarily in doing extraordinary things but rather in doing ordinary things in an extraordinary way. Below are some pictures of a way I shared with our students to say an ordinary prayer, a prayer most of us make many times a day without giving it a second thought, into something extraordinary--thank you to Sr. Theresa, FMA, for the idea: 

In the name of the Father (grant me wisdom),

and of the Son (give me courage),

and of the Holy

Spirit (guide my actions).


Keep praying and keep those lights shining Lions!

Please take a moment to participate in the poll all the way at the bottom of the page--if you are using a mobile device the poll feature works best if you copy the link and open a new tab in Safari.

Monday, August 24, 2015

Be Like Bosco!

The sun may have set on summer but at CKS we have kept the energy and excitement associated with this season going strong with the launch of our school theme: Be Like Bosco!
In our first quarter, students and staff members will #BeLikeBosco by "Being a Light for Others." I hope to capture some pictures of our students doing this in action and will post them on my Instagram and Twitter accounts. 

Here is a preview from our 4th grade students who came up with ways on the 1st day of school to "Be a Light for Others." 

My top five recommendations from our 4th grade class

1) Clean up someone else's mess
2) Give compliments
3) Show them how to obey God
4) Give compliments 
5) Smile at a sad person

We could all use more 4th grade logic!

Sunday, August 16, 2015

3 Things You Need to Know for the 2015-2016 School Year

Welcome Back! It is the eve of the 2015-2016 school year, and I have three things you have to know for a great start.

1) It's OK if you haven't gone back to the normal bedtime routine.

Waking up on the 1st day of school is actually the easiest day. It's the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th days that will give you trouble. The excitement and adrenaline helps us push through the 1st day but then reality sets in, and everyone gets tired. Make sure your family eats a good breakfast and after a week your bedtime routines will be back to normal.

2) The carline will get better. 

But at first it will be a mess--expect it and leave early. When you think to yourself and say, "Well, it wasn't like this last year," its because you are remembering it as it was the last month of school. Your brain has helped you by blocking out the 1st few weeks. Trust me, it takes time for everyone to reestablish their routines, especially the carline. Keep your patience and use the time to say a prayer. Also, I guarantee there is never a problem with the carline at 7:25am of 3:20pm.

3) We love your children as much as you do. 

It may come as a surprise, but few, if any of us, actually teach for the money, fame, or glory. We teach because we love children--we love helping them grow intellectually, emotionally, and spiritually. Although we may show it differently or may have a different approach than you, we ultimately want what is best for your children. If at any time you or children think differently, tell us. Just as you'd want your children to come to you when something is wrong, we want you and your children to feel comfortable to do the same. It is only together that we can help our children grow in the love of Christ, joy of knowledge, and spirit of service.

If you haven't had a chance, please check out the special back to school message below and participate in the poll at the top: