Monday, May 4, 2015

Mother's Day

Next Sunday, we will all be celebrating and giving honor to our mothers. This may include making breakfast, going out to eat, making gifts, or just spending time as a family. I asked our students at assembly this morning what they do for their mothers and here were the top 5 responses:

1. "I bought her a Rhoomba one year, but that made her mad for some reason?" (7th grade)
2. "My siblings and I try to stay far away from her." (4th grade)
3. "I make her a card" (multiple grades)
4. "I make her flowers out of tissue paper." (2nd grader)

**Spoiler Alert**

5. "I bought her an iPhone 6 Plus." (???)

During the month of May our school community also honors a special mother, Mary, the mother of Jesus. This devotion to Mary is sometimes confused as worshipping Mary. As Catholics, worship is something reserved for the divine (God, Jesus, or the Holy Spirit). Mary is not divine, although she is recognized as the first and greatest saint.

Just like we take special time this weekend to honor our mothers, we should make time to honor Jesus’ mother. We ask our own mothers for help or to “soften” our Dad’s before asking them for help. It should be appropriate, then, to ask for Mary’s help, through her intercessions and prayers for us. That is what we ask of her in the final line of the Hail Mary” “…to pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death.”

I always listen to my mother when she tells me to do something, I am hoping Jesus will do the same thing when I ask for His mother to pray for me. Enjoy your Mother’s this week and every day.

Here is a picture of a special mother in my life at our 1st Grade Mother’s Day Tea last week.  

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